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  • Istituto di Intelligenza Meccanica
  • Seminario

Computer Vision & Automation for Industry 4.0

Data 12.05.2022 orario


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Giovedì 12 maggio alle ore 18 Carlo Alberto Avizzano, professore associato dell'Istituto di Intelligenza Meccanica della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna presenta il seminario "Computer Vision & Automation for Industry 4.0". L'incontro fa parte del ciclo di seminari 'La ricerca negli Istituti di Ingegneria della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna' nell'ambito della programmazione didattica di Ingegneria '21/'22 a cura del prof. Christian Cipriani.
Diretta streaming sulla piattaforma WebEx e sul canale YouTube della Scuola Sant'Anna.


The seminar will discuss recent applications of computer vision in Industry 4.0, covering different  topical aspects: system integrity, system design, computer vision, 3D Vision system, integration of AI.
The presentation will be offered as a showcase, by investigating different industrial applications and examining their internal components. The showcase will include: condition base maintenance for  transportation, environment inspection, surveillance, fault and defect checking with AI, robot  motion planning with AI supported decision.


Carlo Alberto Avizzano ( is Associate Professor at Institute of Intelligent Mechanics of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, where he leads the groups of Perceptual Robotics and Intelligent Automation. His research activities focus on robot and control systems with high level of skills and cognition that mimic, learn and reproduce human abilities in environment observation, manoeuvring and control while interacting in complex dynamic environments.
Avizzano research copes with sensor and data capture, AI and Identification architecture for information discover, intelligent plan and contro. Application fields spans in different sectors such as robotics for medicine, precision agricolture, surveillance, maintenance, transportation, Industry 4.0, civil and environment protection, simulators, sport. He is associate Editor of different journals and board member in Regional (transportation), Industrial (Environment Protection), and International Committees (RO-MAN, ENACTIVE, SKILLS).